A river

This was originally posted on blogger.

It’s been a long time since I wrote a blog post. About a month, one might say. Though I can pin that answer down via the Gregorian calendar, I’m not so sure. Is time really like a ruler, where you can measure it from end to end?

Maybe time grows like a tree, where every moment stretches as the tree grows older and older. Or maybe time flows like a river, speeding down some stretches and slowing at the curves and bends. Somehow this rings more true, to me. During this time – this day, this month, this year – time flows in a remarkable way. The pandemic makes things feel strange, like time has warbles and hiccups along it’s long arrow. Sometimes I don’t believe I’m in this time, or that looking back I was in the time of the past.

I was thinking of doing “polyphasic sleeping”, which is a method where you sleep very little at night and take frequent naps during the day. Naps energize you dramatically and time-efficiently, so overall you spend less time sleeping and more time doing other things. I told this to some people in a moment of excitement – imagine all the time I was going to save! As if time were like gold coins that you can spend and save and waste. If time is like a river then I don’t know if that all makes sense. Just as water flows down the river, water falls from the sky and replenishes the reserves in the mountain. You can’t do that with gold coins.

It’s been a long time since I wrote a blog post. That much I suppose is true.

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