me sitting at a desk
This was originally posted on blogger.
Normally I really hate sitting down for long periods of time. Sitting is important for lots of things like preparing for tests, having coffee with people, sending emails, journalling, etc. I enjoy those things and can tolerate sitting for a little bit like that. But when I think about the monumentous task of doing something for many hours at end, day after day at a desk it’s rather daunting. Sitting at end also has bad health effects on metabolism and such. It’s said (by me) that sitting might even be the new smoking.
The exception to my dislike of sitting is when I’m reading a book I really like. I’ve recently been reading the Mistborn trilogy; a fantasy series about a magical feudal kingdom. There’s something about the escapism of fantasy that lets me forget everything else going and become obsessed with learning about the plot of the story. So maybe I can sit after all, I just need something enrapturing enough to do.
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