2025-01 Semiannual update

It is that time of year! Some people send Christmas cards, I send this blog post :D.

In 2024, I wrapped up teaching in Taiwan, and said goodbye to all my friends there in May. Then, I went backpacking through Southeast Asia for about five months. Eventually, at the end of October I flew to California, stayed for a couple weeks in the Bay Area, and then onto my parents’ home in Florida where I’ve been for a couple months.

I have a newly designed website! Let me know if you have parts you like or suggestions for improvements.

Leaving Taiwan & Backpacking

Backpacking for five months was no joke. It was a good growth experience, and a good way of understanding myself – consider it a very active form of therapy.

Here are some posts about…

  • Kindness on April 23rd, 2024. In my last couple weeks of teaching, I wrote in appreciation of all the kind people I have known in Taiwan. “Some downbeats last a lifetime.” – Ben Goldberg
  • Joining a Rainbow Gathering in Taiwan with hippies in the woods.
  • Visiting Hong Kong, Auroville (an intentional community in South India), traveling independently in India.
  • Speaking to people in China. I stayed there for five weeks in total, traveling with various friends from California and also solo.
  • I also traveled in Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam with my good buddy Dean for about two months. Much of this time was focused on internal change and observation. Dean wrote a great reflection about what he learned.
  • Lessons from Travel. A good post about all that I learned.

Moving Back

It was strange moving back… kind of like being an astronaut in outer space, and crash landing back on earth. When I first came back, it was jarring to see other human beings and feel the force of gravity. My body has slightly adjusted.

Settling in

I’ve been in the US about two months since coming back. At some point I realized I ought to start looking for work. This task loomed over my head while traveling, but I honestly wasn’t in the head space to start networking or sending applications out while on overnight buses in Vietnam. Anyway, life is long, and I think it’s okay to take things slowly.

It’s a strange thing to think about work while the nature of work is changing so rapidly. I’ve been startled by generative AI, so I wrote a blog post consolidating my thoughts on how life will change in the next few years.

Job hunting for me has three major challenges:

  • Discovering what I want to pursue. I’ve made progress on this (see Tangible and Intangible Progress).
  • Pursuing it with maximum efficiency. I haven’t done this yet, but I read a good book about it (see Bible-pusher Rohan). The rate of change of the rate of change is positive.
  • Keeping spirits up during the process. Sarasota, Florida has a fantastic ping pong club which I’ve been attending regularly (see Miro’s Ping Pong Advice). I also have been playing saxophone, designing this website, and hanging out with my dear parents.

That’s all for now! May you be well, joyful, and kind.


More blogs...

Here are some other recent posts:

  • Amodei is off his rocker
  • Miro's Ping Pong Advice
  • Tangible and Intangible Progress